Thursday, 13 August 2009

Chatterton Update

For those who were wondering what's happened to the pre-production of my short film during all this madness:

After a short break to settle into my new place, I'm getting back into stride with the final organizational tidbits of Chatterton. Cindy Ye has told me she's working on Donna's historical dress, and I'm bubbling with excitement to see her skills in action. In the meantime, I continue to search for the all-important props.

The most important is an antique large-format portrait camera that will be the "star" of Daniel and Tom's photoshoot scenes, and will appear subtly in the background of other scenes. Currently I'm asking friends and businesses to borrow their stuff, and I'm hoping I'm onto a few good leads.

Also, since I have this week off before I start my new job, I'm going to work on creating Daniel's artwork. I will draw all the sketches that appear in his sketchbooks in the film, as well as one painting that appears near the end.

Things are looking good, and I hope to have more to share soon!

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