He's an artist out of work and out of inspiration. Most of the work he produces now just goes into the forgeries he creates with his roommates, Thomas Chatterton and Brian Meegeren.
This is Thomas Chatterton (played by Mike Tanenbaum). He takes the fake historic photographs that Daniel researches and designs and Brian promotes. He rarely speaks, but seems to see directly into Daniel's mind - at least, that's how Daniel feels.
Brian Meegeren with his girlfriend, Donna (played by George Telonis and Cindy Chen). Brian is a washed-up intellectual. Daniel is in love with Donna, which only exacerbates his resentment of Brian's pomposity.
Now, it's time to meet the crew!
Carlos Valdes-Lora, my cinematographer. I tell him where I want the shot, how I want it framed and lit, and where it's going if there's movement, then I leave to work with the actors; when I come back, things are usually more beautiful then I'd ever expected.
Carlos likes C-stands.
This is Aljosa. He's my other cinematographer, and Carlos's key grip. He and Carlos work out all the tricky lighting problems together, and this weekend Al also shot b-roll during downtimes.
Contrary to the impression some of these pictures might give, Carlos and Al actually rolled video on the majority of shots while I watched on the display screen. Here we were shooting what will be the first shot of the film, and I wanted to be behind the camera. Aljosa sets off a can of smoke to fill the frame with party haze.
Steph, my runner, appearing in her second role: Superstar Party Extra.
I like the smoke effect that they did.